I am the proud owner of a '89 yj 4.2l (aka money-pit) and I can not get the defrost to stop blowing completely even with the control lever in the off position. Anyone know the secret password to make it stop?:?|
I have a '94 YJ and I had this problem when going at highway speed and the gas pedal floored (which was basically every time I was going up an overpass before I switched gears!). What I did to correct this was to buy a vacuum reservoir (dont remember where I got it, but I bought it online and it was something like $15~$20 shipped) and connect it to the vacuum lines that go to the HVAC system before they go through the firewall. Have not had any problems with this since (now the problem I have is that if I open the vents hot air comes out, but I think this is a different problem!).
in this picture you can just make out the reservoir in front of the air lines...