Denver area Slaughterhouse Gulch run...


New member
Hey, anyone in the Denver area interested in a Slaughterhouse Gulch run, we are meeting at the parking to the Fort restaurant just North of the Morrison exit of of US285 @ 9:30 AM.

We will monitor CB channel 4 and definitely leave the parking lot by 10:00 AM...

Slaughterhouse Gulch is South of Denver near Crow Hill...

We had fun!

The trail was dry and the Jeeps were warm! Outside of the Jeeps it got cold and windy at times, and balmy at other times.

The mudpits were fun although getting pretty dry. I took the Mighty YJ through a few times. There was one deep hole on the driver's side at the base of a steep bank. Even with the lockers, if you hit the hole (the driver side back tire fit into it so nicely!), you had to do some maneuvering to save body/fender pinstriping. The picture shows that even the spare tire was getting dunked in the mucK!
Nice!!! I am in Denver on business in two weeks,... wish I could figure out a way to drive up in the Rubi... ah well... next time. In Salt Lake City now,... lot's of stuff up here to crawl over,... again,... wish the rubi keys were in my pocket and not an airline ticket...

Looks like a blast,... out here in the dust bowl it's easy to forget how much fun mud can be,... ahh I miss East Texas!!!!
You'll be welcome in Denver!

Dismal weather right now, although the sun does appear to be out!
