DJ5 idles but wont maintain speed


New member
My 83 DJ5M will idle fine, but when I throw it in drive or reverse it chokes and won't acclerate, and at stops usually dies. I didn't have this issue before I got it to the house (just bought it a few days ago).

what motor
may need to clean carb check for clogged lines and filters float may be stuck
or it just may need rebuild

have 2 of them 4 and 6 cyl both did that till I rebuilt the carbs

Give me a PM if you need parts
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Its the 150 4cyl... I am having a local mechanic come take a look to see if he can figure out whats up... I suspect air in the fuel, or a bad choke, but I don't know cars
think you mean 151 iron duke 2.5 4cyl a tuff little engine almost imposable to kill
Those Rochester carbs are not cheap to rebuild I paid almost $250 about 4 years ago
I now retired from service both the jeeps are now part jeeps
since my wife now has a new mail jeep

The carb looks brand new... mechanic can't make it til tomorrow
check that the float isn't sticking or any debris in fuel line of filter another thing on those Rochester is all the vacuum lines check for cracks / leaks there very temperamental

Being told its a bad distributor, low compression, and broke timing chain
Is this a known and trusted mechanic? Im pretty sure that if your distributor was bad, it wouldn't start or idle. If you had a broken timing chain, it wouldn't idle. And if you had low compression, there would just be a lack of power. Am I right here guys?
Either way im pretty positive that if you had a combination of all these things, it wouldn't even start, let alone idle.

Well, the guys from the best rated shop in the area, so I don't know what else to do
did you ever find a solution? I also have a 1983 DJ5M and have a similar problem. Mine runs great except for this problem. sometime, when starting it take a few times to turn over as if fuel isn't getting to the engine. also, sometimes at stops it idles so low it stalls. as long as my foot is on the gas it runs great. my carb was just rebulit and that doesnt seem to be the problem. have you ever seen this link about the recall for a pinched fuel line?

Google This: AM GENERAL DJ5M Recalls, Defects

could this be it? if we both have this problem it could be a defect with the model.



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