does anybody know?


New member

I have a 2001 wrangler. When I have my head lights and fog lights on and I want to put my brights on, the fog lights go off. Does anybody know of a way, anyway, to have the fog lights stay on with the brights?

I found out that there is a relay under the hood in front of the battery.You pull the relay out and bend down the #1 tab, thus making fog lights stay on with the high beams.



it is actually the law...the fogs have to go off with the highbeams. some kind of conspiricy i seems to me , if you need the highbeams, the extra light of the fogs would help...but Johnny Law does not see it that way.[addsig]

The way fog lights were designed to work is to put the beams down low so to not give the movie screen effect on the fog ahead of you. So when the high beems come up the need for a true fog lamp is lost. I am sure you could rewire to a toggle swithch and then you could burn the fog anytime you wanted to. Tug[addsig]


i wired my fog ligths in with my headlights, so they're both on together, but mine stay on when i put my brights on...guess the do it yourself version works out better[addsig]

They are usually wired so, one leg of the coil, in the relay grounds through the highbeams when they are off. When they are on, there is power to both sides of the coil in the relay. Don´t know about bending the num. 1 pole, but cutting the wire to the high beams and running it straight to ground, will cure this. I just added another set of lights, with 300 watt bulbs, normally gets the job done.[addsig]