Don't junk your rusty old tubs and frames!


New member
Myself and five other buddies have been talking about an unusual Jeep project for a while now, and we are ready to move into a "mock-up phase" (in my yard, goodie goodie). We don't want to cut up any decent tubs or frames to try the idea out, so I decided to come here and see if y'all had any you were planning to junk.

Our project is currently known as "Project Zeus" and, well, lets just say it'll be a rather long Jeep with lots of seats. It's main purpose will be twofold- first, to allow mentally challenged children to ride in parades and such, and two, to hit some mild trails with a load of Cub/Boy Scouts. I'm sure we will find other things to do with it along the lines of letting children enjoy the sport of four wheeling.

We are building the rig mostly from donations, and a little bit of cash out of our own pockets, and we've already got a couple local businesses on board for parts and labor donations and such.

I AM NOT ASKING FOR MONEY! I don't know if the rules would permit it anyway, so lets just not go that route. Here's what I AM looking for (again, I'm looking for the junk you'd otherwise be throwing away right now)... Rust-through IS OK!

1. CJ-7 tub, can be wrecked in the back, mainly interrested in the area from the front of the rear wheel wells forward. Don't care if it is rusted or wrinkled up a bit, as long as the area still resembles a CJ-7!

2. CJ-5 tub, post-72. Can be wrecked in the back, and can have the firewall cut out. Mainly interrested in the area from the front cowl to about the middle of the rear wheel opening.

3. CJ-8 tub. Front of tub can be wrecked. Mostly interrested in the area from the wheel wells- back (the area that makes it a CJ-8 instead of a 7).

4. Here's the kicker. CJ-6 tub. We pretty much understand that this one may be next to impossible to find, so we have a "backup plan" if it cannot be found. Mainly interrested in the area from about the center of the wheel well to the center of the door opening, so the firewall can be cut out and it can be wrecked in the back. If we were to find one that is unwrecked and a complete tub, we might not need the CJ-5 tub. In the long run, we'd like to find a second CJ-6 tub to make a tow-behind wagon out of.

5. Frames. We can probably mock it up with two or three frames. Rust isn't a problem, we're gonna weld like crazy (the finished product will have a custom aftermarket frame). It don't really matter which frames, but post-72 is a must. The rear half of a CJ-8 would be helpful.

We are in east-central Indiana, but one of us would probably venture over to Ohio or Michigan, possibly to Illinois or Kentucky. We are hoping to talk some of you into giving us the junk you were going to scrap or throw away, or maybe we can get it dirt cheap. We aren't affiliated with a club or organization, we're just a group of friends trying to brighten the lives of children. I hope the site owners don't think of this as a solicitation, it's really just a group of guys asking for old parts.
Bad Eggs

I really wish I could help, but I don't even have a Jeep of my own right now!! That is a wonderful thing you are doing though. Show us some pictures of the progress when you get going... It sounds really interresting
Well, damn, I just got rid of a CJ-7 rolling chassis and cowl (from cowl to rear of door opening). DAMN IT!!

Sorry, No parts, But good luck! that is an awesome idea! I wish you and your friends the best!
hey Joey T where are you located? i have a cj 7 frame hood fenders and the axles all striped apart if u got a truck or something and you wany them you can come pick them up, the frame is in pretty good condition jsut minor rust at the body mounts. fenders are good and hood is good, i also have some interior parts including the speedo dash heater box and a few other minor things, as i said if u want them come get them there yours.

So how is this project going? I sure hope you're able to find most of the parts you're looking for!

i have 2 jeeps for sale(almost free)

do have 2 304's, both neeed rebuild but do run.
I'll take $1200 for a complete (engine not installed) 77 cj7 a 72 cj5(frame&body) ,2 motors,extra set of roll bars,2 extra front seats,extra rear seat,extra springs,set of axlesand about a good truck load of parts
the 77 has spring over,auto transmission,roll cage,racing seats,five point belts,35 pro comp all terrians,some decent rust on body,
the 72 cj is some type of military( i think),really good frame body has minimal rust,3 speed transmission
basically Im clearing out from my 82 build up,which consist of stuff from 4 cjs