Door part siezing up

96 XJ here and my front doors have been tough to lock for a while now. It began about 10 years ago when something in the locking action became stiff and it took 2 pushes on the electric lock switch to get it locked or unlocked. It got worse over the years where it eventually took up to 5-6 pushes at which point I just started locking the doors by pushing the big rocker switch.

Thinking the lock actuators were failing I changed those out last year and learned a lesson. Problem still there.

So at this point I"m guessing it's the latches. I ruled them out before because I've sprayed tons of lube up into them and it didn't seem to help at all. Locking them using the rocker switch now takes a fairly good push with a stiff thumb. Locking and unlocking with a key is hard as well. If not the latch what else could it be?

Check your wiring and grounds. You could put a brand new motor in with bad wiring and the wire drops the voltage making the new perform like old.


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Thanks JP I'll check my wiring for anything loose.

Elsewhere I've been advised to 'lubricate the latches with a penetrating grease, one that sprays in as an oil and then sets up as a grease.'

Any advice on what kind of spray lube would work? Never heard of a kind that sprays in but sets up as a grease.