doors are suppose to come off!


New member
Hey everyone, I want to know how it feels with without doors! I was reading the other threads but still can't figure it out, so i figured I'd post a picture to show what I'm working with. Thanks in advance.


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Open the door and put your left hand at the bottom of the door, closer to the hinges and lift up. With your right hand near the door handle, wiggle the door open and closed. It can take some work, especially if you have the hard doors.

You may also need to use your hand as a dead blow. Bump the bottom of the door with the palm of your hand, not extremely hard but with enough force. As said before it can take a little time getting them off. When u do get them off try putting some grease or a little never seize on the studs or even on the inside of the holes they slide into. There are also nuts on there if someone hasn't already taken them off and not put them back on.

EDIT: those are soft lowers as well? Never dealt with those before, maybe you shouldn't bump the bottom with your hand heh. Just keep trying they should come off with some work. Wiggle back and forth and keep pulling up as your doing it.
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Either I'm really weak or its really stuck in there, cuz I tried the wiggle and left method and it won't come off. I want to make sure there aren't any screws I need to take out from the hinges. Looks like ill have to apply some lubricant and use more might
A drop of PB blaster or even a drop of 3 in 1 oil, maybe a bit if light tapping on the bottom of the hinge pin
I bought a 10 year old TJ recently and took the doors off for the first time in her life. It took a lot of effort. The best advice I can pass along is open the doors to about 90 degrees to the body, lift with a steady force, no jerking, and wiggle the doors back and forth as you pull. When they've never been off before, they don't just slide up, it was slow going. Took about 5 minutes of steady force to get each one off, not counting breaks, but slow progress was evident. I've heard of people using a piece of wood placed along the lower sill with a jack under it to lift the doors off, but I was a little hesitant to try this. Turns out it wasn't necessary.
Sweet news, I applied a little lubricant and had my brother-in-law help me wiggle the door while it was fully open. Took about a minute each door. All I needed was another set of hands and a few drops of lubricant. Thanks everyone.
it took a long time to get mine off the first time also. mine's an 87 and the top had never been taken off nor the doors, it appeared. the nuts were still on mine also. it even had little worn out plastic bushings.

Ours has the full steel doors. I put a piece of door edge guard along the bottom of each door so they don't get scratched when I set them down. I mean hey, I spent two grand on a paint job last year.
Also instead of the fancy and pricey rearview mirrors for use when the doors are removed, I got a small stick-on oval mirror and put velcro on the back of it and another piece in the door jamb. Should satisfy the letter of the law, if not the spirit.
Either I'm really weak or its really stuck in there, cuz I tried the wiggle and left method and it won't come off. I want to make sure there aren't any screws I need to take out from the hinges. Looks like ill have to apply some lubricant and use more might

Follow the directions so many have posted here but before you do, spray WD-40 on the hinge and door male posts on each door and let it soak a while--even over night, before you lift them up and out of the holes. Once you do and keep them set with the stuff, no more problems at all.

Let us know.


is this serious???? if you cant figure that out you may want to buy a nice little honda
thats not a nice comment man. some people have doors that get stuck. mine were stuck and i know how to take the doors off. you don't have to be that way when someone new is asking a question.
Taking doors off for the first time can be pretty darn difficult. Mine took an incredible amount of force - I almost got my hi-lift. I can understand thinking you're doing something wrong when it doesn't just pop off.

thats not a nice comment man. some people have doors that get stuck. mine were stuck and i know how to take the doors off. you don't have to be that way when someone new is asking a question.

x2. I got my doors removed because I knew they would (wash kid at a Jeep dealership a lifetime ago), but it was NOT easy. Anyone that wasn't sure would have quit or asked for help long before they saw progress.