drive belt removal


New member

my haynes manuel shows a slider bolt on either the alt or the power steering fluid pump as a way to slacken the belt to take it off, but i cannot figure where this is. anyone have a clue? its a 4cyl w/ no air conditioning (honestly, i dont see a use for it)[addsig]


I just spent a couple hours trying to figure out that same problem so I could remove the first cylinder's spark plug, ( My jeep has A/C and the pump sits right above the 1st plug). I have a 95 YJ too, except mine's got the six. The way I loosened the belt on mine was to loosen up the power steering pump. 1st, I loosened the very top bolt, then directly underneath the pump is a small nut you have to loosen. Then on the back of the pump, 2 more slider bolts must be loosened. On mine, the one sits way behind and can't be seen, I spent an hour trying to figure out why the pump wouldn't move, until a Haynes manual consultation showed me that bolt. After all the bolts are loose, (you shouldn't have to take them out) There is a 4th bolt on the side sticking outwards from the motor, towards the bottom the pump. All you do is turn it counterclockwise and the pump should start to move and the belt should become slack. If you don't know where the pump is, on mine, if you looking into the motor bay towards the back of the jeep, it sits on the upper left side, your Haynes manual should have a diagram somewhere pointing it out.[addsig]