electric barkertop?

Dang, that's almost half of what I paid for my Jeep!! Looks like there would be a serious obstruction of view out the rear when it's folded back....doesn't lay down nearly as far as a regular soft top. I'll stick with my Best Top.....it only takes me a few minutes either way, and that's just too much money for something that's going to obstruct my vision and create more wind drag at the rear.
doesnt lay flat, bulbous on the top, has the weird panels behind the doors, only for the TJ from what i saw and at almost $3K i can spend the 3minutes it takes for a supertop.... good idea but waaaaaay too much $$$$ for a jeep thing.... just my $.02....
doesnt lay flat, bulbous on the top, has the weird panels behind the doors, only for the TJ from what i saw and at almost $3K i can spend the 3minutes it takes for a supertop.... good idea but waaaaaay too much $$$$ for a jeep thing.... just my $.02....

Yup, just more Yuppy Fluff and Bling.:roll: