I once had a AMC 360 in a 78' cherokee with a motorcraft 2 bbl. with the same problem. I checked fuel pump pressure , was minimal so I replaced it thinking the float bowl was running dry . Did not help very much . Still lost power . Tried adjusting choke to compensate to no avail.
I pulled the air horn off to,see the float , found the float needle hanging up and not opening completely . Rebuilt it with a new needle and seat and float . Was good for a while. Ended up,replacing the carburetor . Was better , but was never satisfied with it. I do not recognize the carb on your engine , maybe someone had the same problem I once did and changed it ?
Could the float bowl be dirty from dirt gaining entry through the vent ? Causing a restriction in the jets and idle passages ? Has carb cleaner worked clearing passages ? I'm sure you tried this already , but just trying to figure out where your lean spot is coming from . What do the spark plugs look like ? If they have the white appearance like the wrong heat range , yes that would be an indication of lean condition . Check choke adjustment , but I think more proof is needed to be sure the engine is in fact running lean and not just " choking out " . Any vacuum leaks ? Lines and gaskets ? PVC , power booster , etc. ? Heat riser valve sticking ? So many things to check .
But all these items must be checked before we condem the carburetor .