Error Code U102B


I am having a trouble with my rear wheel speed sensor. I’ve had my EBS, Traction Control, and ESP BAS lights on for awhile so I replaced my sensor and cleared my computer but still am getting the lights with the U102B code still coming up. The sensor fixed 3 other codes but won’t get rid of this one does anyone know a fix or possible cause?

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What year, make, model???
Otherwise you het generic answers that may be wrong.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
Are you SURE that is a U code ?
Speed sensors are 'C' series codes. AND C102B is Right Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit.

TIP - If I am correct about # note key word is CIRCUIT. expensive lesson.

Yeah I had 2 C codes before and fixed it with the sensor and now I have the U code remaining. Do you know the fixes for a U code?

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2010 Jeep Wrangler Jk

using a test light or a DVOM -

Is there @10V terminal 1 ? should be @ battery voltage
Is terminall 2 grounded ? you could probe terminal1 to terminal2

these are mst likely I expect no V at #1 - let me know as we go to next wiring ck.


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I am going to do the test but honestly never had to use my multimeter for stuff like this before. What settings do I set it to to test the voltage? I have a analog meterImage1596311464.458870.jpg

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I figured out how to test it with my multimeter and it is reading same voltage as my battery. But as far as terminal 2 being grounded I didn’t know what you meant by that. I put + in terminal 1 and - in terminal 2 and got the same reading as my battery

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Touch the black lead to the frame or a bare metal area. Then touch the red to the terminal you are testing. 0 zero volts is ground.


Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. -Jesse Jackson
Change the DMM to read K ohms. Touch one lead to each prong of the ABS sensor. Should be 2-5K ohms.


Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. -Jesse Jackson
So I checked the ohms but not sure if I did it right.(I’m not good with electrical at all). I set it to 10 ohms max on my multimeter and connected each probe to each pin sticking out of the actual sensor and read 0 ohms just want to make sure before I call quadratec and ask for a replacement

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So it turns out I was wrong about jk speed sensor resistance. It will read zero volts. It will vary the current between 7 and 14 MA as the wheel turns and the sensor has 12v across it.

A ODBII scanner can display the currents.

Have you reset the codes via a ODBII code reader? My Honda had issues with speed sensors and each time I changed it I drove over to OReilly's and used their reader to reset the codes.


Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. -Jesse Jackson

Yeah I have a Flashpack Superchip reader and cleared all my DTCs and it’s the only code still popping up

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Have you cleaned or inspected the tone ring?

Debris or a crack in this will cause issues. Also be sure the sensor is fully inserted with the correct gap .


Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. -Jesse Jackson
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