Extra hole (lighting)


New member
I had my taillight assemblies off the other day to remove the poorly installed trailer wiring a previous owner put in. When I got to the back of the light units I found that each side had an empty hole. From the top down I have:


The empty hole is next to the side marker.
Can some one tell me what the empty holes should have in them?

Those are for the models that are to be sold in Europe, they have seperate blinkers, red for turning and orange for passing.

no not really. Sorry I have no clue.
JKS Disco install

Was the previous owner a volunteer fireman or emt? If so he may have had aftermarket strobe lights in the rear tailamp assemblies. They do require you drill an extra hole in the lamps. Just a thought.
TwistedCopper said:
Those are for the models that are to be sold in Europe, they have seperate blinkers, red for turning and orange for passing.
- you had me scratchin my head for a minute TC, good thing i scrolled down and looked at the rest of your response before i went with my gut. :oops: :oops:

Re: Close TO HOME..SO SAD..

ive seen fire departments that use ckerokees.
jeeperjoe said:
ive seen fire departments that use ckerokees.

Sounds like a pretty good theory to me, the fire cheifs and fire marshalls drive them around here.

This may be a silly question, but is it a red Cherokee?
real jeep

Well it is a red Cherokee, and the previous owner is a sheriff here in AZ, but it does not look like the holes have ever been used. They are factory holes. I'll keep asking around. I think I'll put some blinkers in for passing untill I figure out what really goes in them. :wink: