Factory XJ Service Manuals - FREE DOWNLOAD!!!


Active member

Here you are folks, the link for all these manuals:

-00 XJ (interactive! - very helpful)
-93 XJ (pretty decent, missing parts)
-88 XJ (pretty good, helpful, seems complete)
-87-90 Fuel Injection System
-AW4 Trans Manual

You will need adobe acrobat, or some decent .pdf file viewer to look at these files. (Adobe is FREE) http://www.adobe.com

any questions, post a response and i'll get back to you.

hope that helps!

PS. just for curiosity's sake, raise your hand if you downloaded from that site...
L33TJ33P said:
Suprised you are't handing out GEO manuals these days ;-)

i tried, but the cost of a manual for a geo exceeds the value of the car, so not many people wanted them. :lol:

Nevermind, I got it. This looks great! Thanks Dingus, I owe you! Any idea where I could find something this comprehensive for the CJ?
yeah, if that server is ever down, its because its on a DSL line, its not a real web server:

** Be nice to the web server guys! Shes just running on a 256/640 DSL. Thanks! **

i wish i knew of something for the CJ's but i'm lost in that regard, sorry...

did they download correctly? save them to your computers' hard drive and then print them.

*shrugs*... it works for me, i just tried it again...

Keep trying. I had to try several times, but I finally got it. Hopefully I won't need it, but now I am armed just in case.
i also have all the files saved on my computer. if anyone really wants one but can't download it from there, let me know... and i'll move it to a better server!

yeah, its down for me right now too... try again later, if not... i'll find a new place to host them...