Finding Body Parts.


New member

Hey everyone,

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just got my first Jeep a little under a month ago. I LOVE IT, and I can't wait to get it ready for some real off roading. Right now it is plum stock 1994 YJ and I dont really know what my Jeep can handle. ANYWAYS... the point of this post... I took my jeep out for Memorial Day weekend to Ruidoso, NM to drive along some easy jeep trails, and see the scenery, it is beautiful. To my dismay, off road travel was not permitted due to the dryness of the forest. My first morning there I was traveling to my cabin and hit a deer. It wasn't a big deer or a direct hit, my left front hit his left rear, only slighty damaging my Jeep. Unfortunately the deer didn't survive
. My headlight bezel is broke, and my fender is crushed, and the "grill" is slighty concaved on the left side, under the broken bezel. I figured I may as well purchase a chrome grill and headlight bezels since it is an oppurtune moment to do so, and it will greatly enhance the visual appeal of my baby. The problem is i cannot find a replacement grill for it. I see jeeps all over the internet with chrome front ends, but i cannot find out where to purchase this piece.

Thanks For Your Time,



Well... luckily i live close to the border so I have my jeep repaired already... just waiting for a headlight bezel that i ordered to come in. If you guys need any body work done... WOW you can get stuff done in Mexico for pretty cheap. My left front fender was dented in about 8 inches... the guy pulled the dent out, used very little body filler and painted it for 75 bucks, not bad eh? if you look from the inside of the fender you wouldnt be able to tell that it was ever damaged unless you are looking for it. Well I look forward to learning a lot from you guys... as this is my first posting here.
