FIPK???? Airade or K&N???


New member

Hi all!! I was looking to put a fuel inject. perf. kit on my 2001 Jeep Wrangler, and was wondering which was better.. an Airade or a K&N. The K&N says it will add 10hp and the Airade says "up to 18"... but I know that tests can be skewed to make the outcome as favorable as possible. Maybe K&N is just being honest. Does anyone have an opinion on this? Thanks!!! :-D [addsig]


SORRY Airaid!! MUST GET COFFEE !!!! :-O [addsig]

actually... no intake kit will actually ADD horsepower unless its forcefeeding it... they only reduce restriction to the throttle body... basically.... by looking... see which filter has the most surface area... and each kit will have its own place for the filter... you want one that has the filter placed into the area that can get the most amount of seperation from the engine bay... if there is a kit with a heat shield... that is good... another thing to look for is in the tube... corners are bad.... you want gradual bends.... any sharp angles in the intake tube will cause turnulence. best to ya[addsig]


I went with K & N...but you may want to check out this site. I did this mod on my Jeep for a fraction of the cost of the FIPK system...

It has all of the necessary serial / part numbers to complete the project...

Good Luck, Patti[addsig]

actually... no intake kit will actually ADD horsepower unless its forcefeeding it... they only reduce restriction to the throttle body...

quite contrary... i have seen dyno test sheets that say otherwise. intakes will add horsepower... they allow more air to go into the engine, the computer picks up on the increase in air, tells the injectors its time for more fuel, and BAM! more power...[addsig]

I've seen this conflict on TOO MANY threads. Less Restriction DOES EQUAL more Horsepower. That's it. End of story.
:-x [addsig]


I've seen this conflict on TOO MANY threads. Less Restriction DOES EQUAL more Horsepower. That's it. End of story.

thank you! :)[addsig]

NO... it will not ADD horsepower, it will not allow restriction of horsepower... It shows higher on dyno tests because the factory airbox is restrictive to the motor, not allowing it to work to its full potential. if you take all intake tubes off.. and open the hood... the throttle body alone will take in more air than it would with any intake system, other than a force fed system. You are not adding more hp, you are robbing less hp. I will agree that it does EQUAL more horsepower... but in no way does it ADD horsepower to the engine

edited by: Snitty, Feb 08, 2003 - 09:20 PM[addsig]

Ok, I'm just gonna say it. YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Go to K&N and read what it says right smack in the middle of you're screen. Then go to the FAQs. Better yet, this is cut-n-pasted from K&N's website:

"What’s the Big Deal About Air Flow?

Simply put, Everything! At its most basic level, an engine is an air pump. More air entering the engine increases the efficiency of the combustion process creating more horsepower and torque. Horsepower is a measure of the engine's maximum power while torque measures how quickly you can accelerate.

The K&N Filtercharger® is designed to increase engine performance in both horsepower and throttle response by reducing air flow restriction.

Maintaining optimal, unrestricted air flow becomes a problem when it must pass through a filtering medium. The level of air resistance varies depending on the size, surface area and physical attributes of the filtering medium."

That's it. End it. And stop being like a pesky little terd in the pool. :-x

edited by: hi_c, Feb 08, 2003 - 08:47 PM[addsig]

EXACTLY... it REDUCES RESTRICTION... it does in NO WAY increase the potential performance of the engine. the engine has a maximum performance it can achieve... no sort of intake can possibly ADD horsepower... it can only ALLOW the engine to work at a level closer to its maximum capability... take it this way... on a drag strip... drag slicks do not increase the speed of a vehicle... but it does reduce tire spin thus giving you a better track time.. it does not at all ADD speed to the car. SO... an intake will allow horsepower figures to be higher. but it is not because a tube is going to add to the engine's performance... it will simply take away the factor that is not allowing it to perform right... if you think for a second that the routing of air into an engine to reduce restriction will ADD to the engine's total capabilities, then YOU, my friend, are the idiot. The engine will ALWAYS suck in AS MUCH air as possible.... if the intake tube falls off the throttle body, its going to allow the engine to run much better... but its not adding capability to the performance of the engine...

edited by: Snitty, Feb 09, 2003 - 05:57 AM[addsig]


i'm not being a pesky turd (and even idiots can spell that word right) in any pool... I am simply helping out a misunderstanding. I am aware that an intake will allow for higher dyno numbers (as opposed to stock setups). I DO understand what you are all saying, and I agree that an intake is a good thing, and it is much better than not putting one on. I put one on my jeep, I suggest that everyone does. Though, as I defend the facts, there is nothing added except the lack of restriction. So if you wanted it to end, its over now. I enjoy discussions, its not meant to be an argument, it was intended to help explain to anyone who might not know how the intake system works.[addsig]

children children lets not try to slit one another throut over is what we have decided....the intake will add horses, no maer how it is done! :-D :-D [addsig]

A tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, is there sound?
Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Good ways to see it from both angles. No correct answer!

1st does more air flow give more horsepower? Sure it does!
The extra power tha you get at a noticeable rate after the motor breaths is proof.
2nd is the power there waiting in the engin to be released all along? Sure it is if it is restricked by air intake! think about NASCAR restricktor plates.
The potential is all ready there you just need to allow it to happen. By adding a free flowing intake and exaust is a one way to tap into this extra horse power you are loseing.

I have used this before but here it is again:
Take a track star in lets say a hundred yard dash event. Put him in a gas mask to restrict his air. Clock his time in the event!
Next day same track star same track same clothes and shoes same event without the gas mask. Clock his time in the event!
Difference you bet with the mask he would be starveing for air! This will slow him down!

You are fighting a battle with no win for either side. Yes with a good flowing intake you will have more power by releaseing the potential. A two edged sword as I see you are both right. Tug[addsig]


very well put tug.. and thank you for not trying to shoot me down. for the rest of the participants who did attempt to shoot me down, I respect that you are willing to defend your views... though, in a debate, the worst way to discuss different opinions is to state yours and then to state such things as "thats it, end of story", "that's it, end it, (then insult the opposing debate member)", or for an individual to say that we've decided on a conclusion on behalf of the rest of the members. I don't appreciate being called at "idiot" or a "turd" for covering a side of a debate that DOES have relevance. I'm sorry that I might seem "pesky" at times, but when I have something that I want people to know, and have strong reason to believe it, then I will discuss, NOT ARGUE (which nobody did), my view until people will see things from where I stand. I guess I just have a much stronger value of understanding and discussing opposing views than most others do.... once again... I'll apologize for seeming to be the turd that won't flush or the dog that won't stop barking. But I often find that, because of my ability to defend a debate, I am looked on as someone that won't give up, which is always for a reason. Nobody "wins" discussions, nobody "loses" discussions, its not a confrontation or a competition in any way. The only way for them to end is for some understanding to meet from both ends. I do like to discuss topics, I've always been one to participate in topics that interest me. I've apologized, and i'll apologize again for any discussion that I get into in the future, and i'm sure it will happen, its something we should all do, its what these forums are for, discussion. I thank you all for participating and defending yours.

edited by: Snitty, Feb 09, 2003 - 12:12 PM[addsig]

Snitty is corret about one thing to no end, The Name Calling is a bit much for grown up to resort to, this is showing a lack of understand and frustration. Any time two or more can not agree and one steps down to playing dirty and calling names the winner by default is the one that stays calim in their belief. Just a personal note Tug. ;-) [addsig]

Okay, I'll jump in...

Maximum horsepower: What a given engine is capable of producing in an ideal world.

Actual horsepower: What the engine produces in the real world. Typically measured
on a dyno. Is always smaller (assuming you haven't changed the block itself) than the
Maximum Horsepower because of filters, emmissions control, etc.

So for this discussion, changing the air intake increases the Actual Horsepower, *not*
the Maximum Horsepower of the engine. This happens because of reduced restrictions
to the airflow. So you're both correct. Just talking about different measurements.

Now, dammit, which is better? Airade or K&N?


btw - I lose all respect for people who resort to insults in a discussion. Also, a sales
brochure (or website) put out by the company selling the product should not be
considered an unbiased source of fact. If this were so we would all be drinking
"elixirs of vitality and vigor."[addsig]


snitty is right about the concept, the horsepower is already there in the engine. you give the engine more air and it can perform more to its full potential HP, you do add the means to produce more HP but you're not adding the actual HP, just releasing it.(i didnt call anyone names) :-P [addsig]