Free subscription to new magazine for all Jeepz members


New member
Hello All,
I am pleased to announce that is now in the final stages of Beta testing. :purple: This is a project that I have been involved with for over a year and a half now, and it is great to see it finally coming to fruition. This will be an online and print magazine unlike any other currently in production. It is in large part because of the information I have gotten from Terry and others here that this is possible, so as a thank you I wanted to offer all members a free one year subscription to the service.

There is no catch. you won't enter any financial info or anything of the sort. It's just a thanks to all of you for your help over the last year. To subscribe just go to and click on the subscriber forum link about half way down the middle of the page (or cut and paste this link: into a browser window). Sign up like you would for any free forum and you are all set. In roughly 45 days we will launch the E-zine, and then 30 days later the print magazine will roll to the presses. In the meantime the forum and the majority of the site is live. Have fun, and please let us know your thoughts. We would certainly appreciate the experts giving us feedback on things to change.

It's not mandatory, but I would appreciate it if you would use the same user name you have on (it just makes it easier when I am activating the accounts to tell who is a member here and gets the free subscription and who doesn't). If you prefer an entirely new user name, feel free. I will just post another bulletin next month with a subscription code that you will need to Instant Message the mods at the forum so they can code you subscription as free.

Also, we are looking for moderators on the board, so if anyone is interested PM me and let me know.

Thanks again to everyone for the advice, comraderie, and good times. I hope this shows how much I have appreciate it over the last year.

Jack Garrett
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Thanks to everyone for all the input, we are including your recommendations into the site daily.

Keep em comin!!

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That is correct, for members and Rubicon Owners Forum members, there is no charge. This is why we ask you to register for the subscription at and register on the forum at listing your user name. This is how we stop everyone and there brother from signing up for a free subscription. If you weren't a member of one of those two forums, the pricing on the subscription page would apply.

Hope this helps, and welcome.

Is this still a valid offer? I was unable to enter either site posted.

I got a "user name" and "password" box in the site which did not take my Jeepz I.D.
Is this still a valid offer? I was unable to enter either site posted.

I got a "user name" and "password" box in the site which did not take my Jeepz I.D.

I think he wants people to register for new accounts with southwestjeeps using the same username that you use here.

southwestjeeps isn't connected to, so your username / password isn't setup over there until you do it.

Yeah but how do you set it up when you are only prompted with a network login?