fuel injectors

josue estrada

New member
so i got my engine to flash me code 27 which rings up as fuel injector control. So i figured it was a faulty fuel injector. No damn store around illinois carries them so i had to order for my 95. So then i called a local shop to see if they had any and they did, but the mechanic there told me I was stupid for believing that it was an injector and that i got bad information because it cannot be injector problem. I was thinking he's trying to reel me in to the shop to get some money off me. Am i right?

He might be trying to reel you in, but that doesn't mean he isn't right.
Lots of times the code that the ECM throws is more a clue to the problem than the problem itself.
Do you have a garage and a few hours? You can test the injectors fairly easily with an air compressor and some simple hoses and wires.
Did it give you a cyl number? Or just a general injector error? Because if it did, you can clear the code, and then move that injector to another cyl, and see if the error follows it.
just a general injector error. I know for sure the cat is going bad because it just started to rattle right when the problem started so i'm gonna get it replaced tomorrow. It looks rusted and worn out anyways and see where i'm at. If i still have an issue than it has to be an injector. I bought an injector just in case so hopefully i can get this job done. I thought it would be an injector though because My jeep killed a whole tank and a little over a half in just a matter of 2hrs of a drive. It never did that! By the way if you have any ways to improve my gas mileage it would be greatly appreciated lol. Jeeps aren't the best out there when it comes to gas. I have just recently replaced the fuel filter.
If it ran through a whole tank that fast then the injector in question may be stuck open. That is a bad thing; it could burn so hot that it could do damage to your intake and/or exhaust valve. So I would get on that pronto!
I don't really have many tips to improve your mpg, though I have a drastic plan in mind for mine this summer. ( swap to TDI Diesel to get average 30mpg)
I imagine that you could advance the timing one notch and lean the mixture out a bit.
Some people put a free flow air filter on to let the engine breathe better. Also make sure your tires are full of air ( I run mine 5psi over) I know that sounds simple but it makes a difference.
The biggest difference is in how you drive it , slow and steady does it! :-)

I can't help with the injector issues but I have a few ideas on fuel economy. To back story this a bit, I was working a second job delivery in pizza in my lifted 4.0l gr cherokee. When I bought it I was avg. 15.6mpg...I'm currently getting 18.8mpg. I started by adding a free flowing air intake, some will tell you the computer will "relearn" the intake but after a year and 22k I haven't seen this issue (mines a '95). I also did a tuneup, if its been a while it'll help. Also pay some good attention to wheel/tire weight...the less rolling mass the better. I'm not saying to ditch your mt's but just do some research to find the lightest for the given size you run. As to your cat converter I opt for one of the high flow models...you'll see a difference. As to filling your tires over the listed psi...bad idea. You want a even contact patch so as to maximize tread life.
changed the bad injector. jeep runs a lot better. Idk if the gas mileage will be better but tomorrow ill be going on another 2hr trip. hopefully i dont waste a tank and half this time. I think my meter might be going back as well because the needle goes down and then up slightly. Not sure. If its not one thing its another.

well now i am having problems starting the jeep when i get off work at night. It has gotten colder lately so looks like im gonna have to do some more work on it.