GM 2.8 carb to fuel injection possible?


New member

I have a 85 XJ with the GM 2.8 in it with 3 speed automatic. I was wondering if it would be possible to replace the carb setup with a fuel injection system that was configured for the 2.8 in latter years, while keeping my current engine in place. I would assume that minumum I'd need would be the manifold, TBI and components, wiring and the computer control module. I know that the 2.8, 3.1, 3.4 motors are in the same family...but, would it be possible to use injection systems from these newer motors?

I realize that some will tell me to sell it and buy a machine with a 4.0 or upgrade to a 3.4...but, I'm being realistic here and not trying to go too crazy. :)



A good place to start would be the basic motor, as the new computer would have to work within the parameters of the motor it was programmed for.
Check the specefications on a replacement cam, for your motor and then the stock replacement for an injected motor.
Check the compression for the carburated motor, and then for the injected. The injected motors often had higher compression.
Make a list of required sensors, and figure which are add on`s or affixed externally, and which will require drilling and threading to the block, heads, transmission or bell housing.
Most after market kits have some programming flexibility or are designed to work for the previously carburated motor.
Check for a motor in the same series or year, that had fuel injection as an option. Right around the time frame, your talking about, GM had a limited production fuel injected engine, that was a HP offering and most of the components where modulized (with the air box) and mounted on the right front wheel well (behind the headlight). But they were water sensitive, don´t know if they are for Jeeps or not, used to crap out every time it rained.[addsig]

Thanks for the info...I've been doing some looking into it and it appears that it would be a major hassle. I'm thinking a 4.0 swap would be the best option at this point if the keep the XJ. I might do what a lot of you in here have recommended...just buy an XJ with a 4.0 already in it. [addsig]