Grand Wagoneer Door Hinges


New member
Where's a good source for Grand Wagoneer door hinge parts? I'm guessing they are the usual pin and brass bushings.

Any tips or gotchas on rebuilding the hinges?
Thanks for the ebay link. I've had a couple of those on my watch list for a while... was hoping to buy a rebuild kit rather than swap out the whole hinge to avoid paint mismatch and having to (significantly) realign door. I would think Dorman or their Help! brand would offer a kit since they offer so many other hinge repair kits, but haven't found one yet for the GW.

Not sure about your GC, but i got a rebuild kit for my Silverado at NAPA.

This is the hinge I'm trying to rebuild (labeled #7). So far, all I've found is a full replacement hinge. Seems odd that I can't find a repair kit to replace bushings and pin.


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Well... I bought a pair of hinges from an ebay seller, and when I started to swap them out, I found out that the ones I got are SLIGHTLY different, and won't work. They are from a GW, and I definitely need a GW... but the differences between the current and new (to me) hinges are there. Any suggestions on what I HAVE and what I BOUGHT?

The blue one pictured below is what I currently have, and need. The dingy ones in the pic are the ones I got from ebay seller...


As you can see, the "question mark" shape of the actual hinge part is slightly different. In addition, the holes that mount the hinge to the B-pillar are different. Mine are slotted for adjustment. The new ones are not slotted.