Hello, everyone, my name is Mike.


New member
Hello, everyone, my name is Mike. I come from a Jeep family. I've had a 73, then this 70, and a 2005 wj. My son's had 2 jeeps ,also.


  • 1970 Renegade 1.jpg
    1970 Renegade 1.jpg
    255.7 KB · Views: 212
  • 4.jpg
    402.6 KB · Views: 195
Welcome to the board!!

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
Thank you, Terry. I'm still trying to figure out everything . This is a nice web site. Hopefully I can be of help to anyone , with my little bit of knowledge, and experience with my jeep. And I'm sure to learn more from fellow members, like yourself. Thanks again, for having me.