This jear i have bought the car i always wanted to drive
A white 1988 cherokee pioneer 4 liter 6 cil all stock
imported from the other side of the big ocean where jou guys and dolls live.
there are just a few of them in Holland (europe)
Last weekend i joined a 4@4 club and went driving on the beach
whit my little girl (11) and whe had much fun.
I even climb a 10 mtrs high sand hill whit no trouble (after a few tryouts)
Funny.. a guy with a little suzuky try to pull out a old army landrover ambulance (havy) so they where both stuck everybody laving and making jokes.p0p
A white 1988 cherokee pioneer 4 liter 6 cil all stock
imported from the other side of the big ocean where jou guys and dolls live.
there are just a few of them in Holland (europe)
Last weekend i joined a 4@4 club and went driving on the beach
whit my little girl (11) and whe had much fun.
I even climb a 10 mtrs high sand hill whit no trouble (after a few tryouts)
Funny.. a guy with a little suzuky try to pull out a old army landrover ambulance (havy) so they where both stuck everybody laving and making jokes.p0p