Hello from Maine!


New member
This is my first time posting so Hi all Jeepers! I'm a 57 year young native Mainah! This is my first Wrangler and I love it! Had a '99 Cherokee that was totalled in an accident this summer. I loved my Cherokee but I have totally fallen in love with my TJ Sport, Lil Sherman!

I tend to be outspoken and independent so if you don't want to hear the answer... don't ask the question :p

My Dad was an avid hunter and trapper and used to take me out with him hunting and checking trap lines and I have the same love of the outdoors. I've driven 4x4's most of my adult life and this is my 3rd Jeep. I love kayaking and like to head out early in the morning when nature is waking up. Have awesome photos of an eagle eating a duck for breakfast! What a gift that was! I like hiking and camping and 4-wheelin around this great state of Maine. When everything shuts down in major snow storms, I head out to play!

I didn't realize that there is a whole Wrangler/CJ culture here. Driving down the road and meet another Wrangler and 9 out of 10 drivers wave:welcome: It's awesome!

I'm looking forward to meeting other Jeep lovers here and learning more about them and their Jeeps!


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Thanks guys it's great to be here! I've learned a lot about the Wranglers here on this forum and really like that if I have questions someone will have an answer.