hello from New Jersey (unfortunatly)


New member
Well i currently live in New Jersey, ill give you guys a great tip don't move here :p.
Well im 16, simply saw in an add in the paper for a 04 TJ 35000 miles for $14g went out an got it 8) its practically brand new. i couldn't be happier with....just one thing in NJ you get your permit at 16 and license at 17 i dont turn 17 till august.:(


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Welcome to Jeepz!

PA law is similar,permit at 16 then 6 months later you can go for your license.
Welcome, I live in Jersey too... not that bad aside from there aren't many places to wheel...
When I was young way way back then yes I'm getting old anyhow I lived in NY you had to be 16 to drive so me and my dad hoped on a plane to NC I got my permit at 14 2 days later took my road test week later I had my license yup 14 and had my license went back home got my first car got pulled over for speeding cop said your to young to drive with out a license I jumped out of the car and said here you go I'll never forget the look on his face ,then he said slow down and I was on my way .
Those were the good ole days
Welcome to the Z! That is a nice looking jeep you got there.

I can't believe you can't get your license til you're 17... I was lucky enough to live on a farm and started driving when I was 8. The day I turned 15 I had my permit the day I turned 16 I got my license...been driving ever since and I still love it! I know it's hard to believe but August will be here before you know it....