HELP! confused newb w/ dead jeep from hell


New member
yeah. 93 XJ 4.0 (country) turns over, no start and at this point i'm at a loss.

and my wrist is jacked up, making typing a royal here's the link to a couple threads (2nd link shows up in the most recent thread) i posted on with the whole tale.

ANY help, suggestions, cruel laughter, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

good to be aboard here...
no. no codes either.

and i gotta make a couple b.s. posts to get my count up; the jeepz gods have forbidden me to post my link until i've done five posts.
38 PSI of fuel should be sufficient to get the engine running. after reading up on your post, it sound's like your close to the cause of problem. was the fuel Rail flushed prior to the installation of the new injectors. i would also consider flushing out the fuel lines. it doesnt take much to plug up an injector especially from something that can cushion pressure.Do a process of elimination. Pull the spark plugs out, clean them and make sure they are dry. re-install and remove the throttle body air filter tube. after gaining access to the throttle body opening, use a Starting fluid Spray or a Carburator cleaner spray. Pay Attention on the next instructions. with someone to help you Start the engine inside, Spray the Starting fluid in the throttle body for 2seconds and then try to start the engine. if it runs , continue to spray in 1 sec burst, every other Second.NotEverySecond. Make sure you stay clear of any moving components of the engine. if this works keeping your engine running, i would go back to the entire fuel system cleaning.

flushed the rail and the supply line when the injectors were replaced. could there be some blockage in the return line as well???

plugs look good.

will try the starting-fluid bit once She arrives.

(question as well on that: have also heard of pouring a little gasoline down the throat of the throttle body; would this work just as well?)
That works too in moderation. just be careful that you dont pour too much and end up igniting the fuel out the throttle body. blockage on the return line would mean a higher fuel pressure reading on the guage.
Don't know if this will help or not, but my Jeep has had the crank position sensor go out 2 different times. The first time it happened was the strangest thing. I could be driving down the road and the engine would just quit, but if I was going above 30 mph it would start itself back up. Two years latter, the second time it happened, the jeep was just dead and could get NO code for the problem. At that point though, it was the first thing I checked cause the previous time just about drove me crazy trying to figure out what the problem was.


it was the bloody IAC.

thanks to all who responded. will of course be back with more confusions; wouldn't be a jeep without 'em :D

do have one last question on this whole adventure: idles a bit $#!++y now, i'm guessing because a) it's butt-cold here, b) jeep sat for over two months without running and c) when it crapped out on me it still had 1/2-3/4 of a new tank, but it was that questionable post-hurricane gas. my question is: i've already added a bottle of heet, topped off with a half-tank of hi-test and am considering that lucas stabiliser. can the lucas and the heet coexist peacefully in the same 20 gallons???
this is really starting to annoy.

died again last week, got a code 17. replaced thermostat, start. had it towed home, where it promptly fired up after i got back in town yesterday. warmed up properly (was running too cold before, had assumed it was due to the bitterish cold weather), but idled kinda choppy. noticed after shutoff that it had peed coolant all over the front of the engine compartment (engine didn't diesel or anything, but i heard a rather intestinal gurgle coming from...somewhere...upon shutoff). can't say much more about that until the weather clears and the pavement dries...but it WASN'T coming from around the thermo housing.


code 17 could also be a bad coolant temp sensor.

If coolant is pouring down the front of the motor it is probably a bad water pump. Coolant comes out of the weep hole (safety feature) in the water pump
didn't find any leaking from there. also no weird noises from the pump, no dieseling or anything like that.

further mystery: topped off the colant after that, doesn't leak at all now. nor is the coolant level dropping.

and the adventure continues under my "this is bad indeed" thread.
Malton the IAC is the Computer module? I'm still having the same issue will not get any fire to the spark plugs. Changed the crank sensor and the coil pick up. Frustrate as hell

Malton the IAC is the Computer module? I'm still having the same issue will not get any fire to the spark plugs. Changed the crank sensor and the coil pick up. Frustrate as hell

IAC= Idle Air Control, it's on the driver's side of the throttle body.

As for the rough idle, I'd recommend a good bench cleaning of the throttle body with carb cleaner and a small brush. Pay close attention to the IAC plunger and housing.

lovin life, check all the maxi and mini fuses in the PDC under the hood.