Help Please


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have a problem with gas getting into oil. I have 2 codes of 133 and 171 which are o2 sensor slow response(code 133) and running to lean(code171) so if anyone has any idea of where to go from hear. already changed oil and temp. sensor. thanks any idea will help

We would love to help but we need some technical info. about your jeep. What year make and model is it?.
2X on Year and Model
Had the P0133 due to a exhaust leak on the front header Bank1 sensor1. hou it could be from a bad O2 sensor.
my jeep is a 1997 TJ with a 1995 2.5 liter motor in it. as far as I know I was told they put all the computer stuff from the 1997 on the motor so again I have gas getting into the oil and code 133 and code 171 is coming up.I have changed the temp. sensor and the motor is running rich, so any ideas could help