You have just entered room "Chat 13905851731440779587."
graewulf3 has entered the room.
graewulf3: hey
Gene9099 has entered the room.
dinGus84: hey
Gene9099: yeah
graewulf3: which part is stuck?
dinGus84: eugene, this guy was up at paragon when i went in the snow/ice
Gene9099: cool ,
Gene9099: hey
graewulf3: hey....
Gene9099: the bolt that is attached to the Steering Damp.
Gene9099: is stuck to the tie rod
graewulf3: is the nut off?
Gene9099: yeah
Gene9099: that was hard enough
graewulf3: OK.. here's what you do:
graewulf3: get a BFH - a 2 pounder if you got it
graewulf3: hit the side of the sleeve o nthe lower part (where the bolt goes through)
Gene9099: big fucking hamer
Gene9099: like a 5lbs sledge, tried it
graewulf3: when you hit the side it will compress the sleeve, forcing the bolt out - it should be a tapered fit
Gene9099: hrmm
Gene9099: you mean hit the tie rod were the bolt goes through
graewulf3: right
Gene9099: not the bolt
Gene9099: oh maybe
graewulf3: the tie rod is tapered so is the bolt
graewulf3: it gets wedged in when torqued
graewulf3: same as a ball joint
graewulf3: had a hell of a tkme getting one off my friends XJ to replace the damper
graewulf3: it will pop
Gene9099: but the bolt head is on the top of the tie rod
Gene9099: matter at all?
graewulf3: nope.... it only goes in one way
Gene9099: k thanks i have to try it out
Gene9099: did it take a while or just one or two swings
graewulf3: it will take some hitting to get it to pop.....
graewulf3: the hard poart is not much room to swing
Gene9099: yeah tell me about it
dinGus84: ur hammer might be TOO big gene
Gene9099: nonsense
dinGus84: lol
graewulf3: the "special tool" is a gear puller
Gene9099: i was using some pos little hammer
Gene9099: yeah il probly just find one of them
Gene9099: dose it matter what kind
Gene9099: or just one with the right diameter
graewulf3: 2 jaw like in the pucture
Gene9099: yeah PITA to find
graewulf3: the diameter is adjustable - the one on top
graewulf3: any parts store will have one
Gene9099: ok well i try that and hopfully it will work
Gene9099: cause i almost broke out the saw-all and torch
graewulf3: try a propane torch.. heat the tire rod - it might expand enough to pop with the hammer
Gene9099: acetanlean torch
dinGus84: uh-oh... dont let him play with fire hahahahaha
Gene9099: yeah yeah i know what im doin
Gene9099: thats the scary part
dinGus84: ok thats good
Gene9099: well thanks graewulf
graewulf3: welcome