history of theft of jeep parts


New member

I'm interested in any experiences loosing parts to thieves. If you've lost parts off of your rig, please let me know.



I live in the sticks on some steep hills and everyone has a jeep or suv and I've never lost anything here in northern Rhode Island.[addsig]

Besides my whole jeep being stolen, I've had my soft top and rear bumper/swing out tire carrier stolen right off the jeep. I'm getting hoodlocks so I won't have to worry about engine parts. I've also had someone try to steal my wheels. I've heard a lot of stories of full hard doors going missing usually just before winter hits.[addsig]

I live in the sticks as well never lock doors around here and I love it. Nothings come up missing so far. But I won't say it won't someday. My Blue Heeler keeps the place rather safe too. She don't take to well to anyone around but family. Good Dog. heheheh Tug[addsig]


Never lost anything, maybe it's the NRA stickers,lol

same here in n.c. . my driveway is almost a 1/4 mile long. there is one way in and the same way out. dont lock doors either. as with tug our blue heeler thinks that if it is ours it is his. good dog. we have had heelers for years as we used to farm . they are notorius for being very protective of there property. ours is not viciousbut if you are a stanger you better think twice about getting out of your ride in my driveway. cause he will be waiting for the chance to prve himself. i try not to go where i have have to worry about parts being stolen . but there is always the chance that some rouge will come by and think they need it worse than i .havent taken any unusual steps to stop theft , just hope that honest people look for strange things or suspicious people hanging around where they shouldnt be .......just my thoughts.odax :evil: 8-) [addsig]

When I was in college...I had my jeep parked outside a bar and someone unzipped the back window. stole about $0.50 and a bic pen. They were nice enough to rezip the window and lock the doors when they were done. What they didnt realize was that the doors were unlocked to begin with.[addsig]


I live in a small town north of Boston and leave my doors un-locked but I work in Boston Near a notoriously bad part called Dorchester (pronounced in Boston accent
Doa-chesta.) I also went to college in Lowell Ma which is next to Lawrence Ma which was the car theft capital of the USA. Luckily no one has yet to violate my YJ but A couple of years back when in college, I spent the night at a friends dorm and some one smashed my sunroof and rear window in my mint 77 blazer and stole about $2000 of stereo equipment. I have since added power lock actuators to my full doors, and are activated by my alarm, and are on quick disconnects so doors come off in seconds.[addsig]

never had a problem with jeep relaTED theift....however my doors do not lock and i am always worried that someone walking by might decide he/she likes my speaker box with a really nice set of speakers in it.....i usually just cover it up with an old blanket....no probl;ems yet..[addsig]

I don't exactly live in the sticks but Im not near the city either. I have only locked the doors on my Jeep 4 times in the 7 months I have owned it. You guessed it trips into the city. Anyway I have never had anything stolen and I have $450 worth of ham radio equiptment mounted in it. I have a friend that back in the 70's kept having his window broken out and his CB stolen. It's funny cause the last time he said he just quit locking his doors figuring he could atleast save the cost of a new window......no one ever touched it again. Honesty through paranoia.. Doors unlocked... bunch of stuff in there..people think they are being watched. :lol: [addsig]


I live in NJ the stolen car capital in the US. I had my drivers door taken and someone stole my battery. That was a problem anyone could open the hood. I got some hood locks and door locks haven't had a problem since. Even with my top off. I keep the radio and everything else concealed. If they don't see anything they walk by.[addsig]

Theft? Hmm this is near the top of the list... I had a radio, speakers, CB and BOTH bolt on antennae's stolen off of one of my Jeeps anout 12 years ago when I was a cop. Oh, here's the kicker... the thing was sitting in the police department parking lot when this happened!

I've known people who have lost soft and hard doors, bikini tops, and anything from tools to coolers to what have ya out of the things.

Never had anything stolen from mine while it was at home though... no blue heelers but I do follow the theory of "steal here tonight, you'll be found here tomorrow" so maybe that's it.



I've had my mirrors smashed and had my jeep egged to hell... but nothing stolen yet... no lock either[addsig]


I have the half doors with NO LOCKS on my YJ and last year, some idiot burned a hole in my driver's side plastic window big enough to get his arm through, i guess. Anyway he got in, whether by opening it from the inside or out, and stole the face ONLY to my cd-player. He forced open my SUCKY STEELHORSE console and saw my CB radio, but left it. All he took was the face to my cd player. I was more pissed about my window! The cd player was 7 years old so I needed a new one anyhow. oh yeah, i live in South Carolina, retard capital of the World.

:evil: [addsig]

When my sister-n-law owned my Jeep, before me, it was parked right outside my bedroom window and the bazooka tube was stolen. That's about it.

OH YA! She said that a bear tried to break in and steal her food. But the top kept him out! YEA BEST TOP![addsig]

I live in the highlands of Pennsylvania and I'm always parking mine around town with the top off and NEVER lock the doors. I have yet to have anything stolen. In fact, one time I had a secret admirer leave me a rose and a phone number on the front seat when my old YJ was parked topless at college. She turned out to be a bit of a psycho but it was pretty cool when it happened! :lol: [addsig]


some homeless man took my radio from my jeep. broke through the flip out window[addsig]

just some speakers and many pairs of cheap sunglasses. This is kinda funny a Spool of weed eater line one time. All of these happedn with my top down in the summer.
Never had any actual Jeep parts taken though

edited by: GEAH, Mar 14, 2003 - 04:50 PM[addsig]

I had a fire extinguisher stolen one time. Thats the only thing, but I do have people mess with my stuff when the tops down. One day when I was leaving work I noticed my steering wheel covered in duct tape. :roll:

edited by: Jeeppicus, Mar 14, 2003 - 05:12 PM[addsig]


Time to get us all locking gas caps as soon the gas in the Jeeps will be worth more than the Jeeps! heheheh Tug :-D [addsig]