How hot is too hot?


Active member
Since I got 'Betty' (AMC 360 w/3 row rad, springs in both upper and lower rad hose, 18" electric fan, shroud, FlowKooler water pump 195* thermostat) I've gotten two senders for the 'idiot gauge' that resides in the Speedometer cluster from NAPA (likely Echlin) and, having a secondary Auto Meter mechanical temp gauge with it's sender inserted into a water jacket in the intake manifold I noticed yesterday that 210* = fully pegged Speedometer cluster temp gauge. On the other hand the mechanical gauge stays at a happy 200*


I've been reassured a couple of times now that 210* is just fine but what with that 'idiot gauge' reading (with both senders) I remain somewhat dubious, the last 80 miles yesterday I was watching all my gauges like a hawk and, after letter 'er cool down overnight I might have detected a new drip oil leak in the aft part of the motor. Saying my not so unusual road side prayers, (My Mom always said "Never underestimate the power of prayer) Betty ran out fine and got me home. Better not be that damm rear main seal, again :x
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typical temps are 15* above the thermo you run. Most modern engines are set to run 210* but could normally operate up to 230 deg. Above there you start running risks of overheating. The latest of engines run even hotter. but not Jeep engines.
we had a 360 too and it ran at about 200 constantly. living in Florida under that hot summer sun would bake that engine bay and we would even run it at 210 some days around town. you should be fine.
Whew! That's a relief. I reckon I'll have to go with a different sender for the speedo cluster gauge. I've heard good and bad about Echlin over the years. Am considering to advance the timing from 5* to as near 10* as she'll stand to ease her cooling a bit though.
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Wound the timing up to 7 degrees with no pinging, going to see if this'll have any effect.

man I am really beginning to think I am illiterate! I really should stop skimming articles and read them. good luck with everything!
Heh, no sweat son I do the same on occasion.

Update good news is what I thought what was a rear main leak ceased.

Well after last summer and this one having the heat rear up and show it's hand this summer, I've decided to swap out the fan to a Merc Mystique double fan & shroud, found one for $40 at the boneyard.


I've been reading some great details about this setup and I'm hoping it'll give me greater cooling capability on hot days.
Just got some wiring to figure out.