At risk of sounding cliché, it’s only worth what someone is willing to pay you for it. However, if the frame repair is out of the question for you, there are a couple of options. The first being someone who would like a project Jeep and is willing to do the repair/replacement of the frame, but that is a narrow market and the buyer has the burden of storing the vehicle, finding parts, etc. so he or she is going to want to keep the initial cost low.
Another option is finding a Jeep specific parts broker who is willing (and believe me, they will be) to buy it from you and part it out. Keep in mind this person will have to transport the Jeep, invest in the labor to strip it down, inventory the parts, place ads on various media and deal with the sale of individual parts. It may take this person months to sell enough parts to recover their cost. Depending on want area of the country you live in, I may be able to recommend someone to you.
The last and most profitable is parting it yourself. You will have the same problems that the person who does this for a living. Additionally, depending on the area you live in, you may have zoning law or MVA regs that you’ll be responsible for. It will take you longer, but it would be your money. Look on Ebay and Craigslist, people pay a fortune for OEM and after-market Jeep parts. After you strip down the Jeep, inventory what you have, market it (hopefully haven’t destroyed too many parts- because its your profit), you are still left with getting rid of the scrap material left over. And yes, there is money to be made in scrap steel as well! Make no mistake, you can earn a lot of money doing it yourself, but it can be a gurgling process.
Not try to discourage you either way….. I’ve just been in your shoes.