How to post a pic in your sig.....


New member

I have gotten several private messages asking how I did this so I thought I would just post it up. Anyway the other day I noticed that you can put html code into your sig so I thought I would give it a shot and it worked. First of all you need a place that can host a pic...I use

Make sure the pic is small in dimension (100x100 is what most of the avitars are)...we don't want to have HUGE pics at the bottom of everyones sig. Mine is like 100x150 pixels. Size isn't as much of an issue but try to keep it under 10k if you can. That way dial up users like me don't have all this lag going on when trying to load a page hehe. Anyway once you get the pic made and hosted then you can link to it in your signature. You do that like this...

img src=""

Make sure you copy that EXACTLY and put < in front of it and > at the end. (Note to Terry: How come < and > doesn't work here?) Of course change the address to point to your pic. If you want to get a bit fancy you can add a border around your pic like this.

img border=2 src=""

Don't forget to put the < at the front and a > at the end. I wanted to show the direct code but I can't because html is allowed in posts and the code won't show up.

You can make the border bigger or smaller by changing the number after "border=". 2 or 3 works pretty good. Because of my lack of use of html I have forgotton how to change the color so it will be a black border.

I made a small html table to format my picture and text but I wouldn't recommend doing this because if you go over the character limit it will cut off and may leave some tags open and cause some funky stuff to happen to the rest of the page below your sig. I don't think that Terry would like that very much. I will not go into detail on tables and such because that is more advanced html and would take too long.

edited by: RayOvac, Mar 02, 2003 - 05:57 AM[addsig]


yeah, i jumped on the bandwagon after i saw you and quinners had yours done like that... good writeup! :-) this way you don't have to worry about terry making your pic into an avatar...[addsig]

See I told you all that Rayovac was a Webb photo Buru! He is da man when it comes to make your post look good! Thanks a gain Ray. Tug[addsig]