how to remove steering column?


New member
the owner before me bypassed the horn and set a button on the dash to act as the horn. I am now trying to make my Grant steering wheel horn beep. I'm trying to trace the wire down the steering column but i can't get pass that silver metal piece that looks like a 3 tentacle star fish. Could it be that it doesn't turn out, but needs to be pulled out with a special tool? what else can i do? i need to beep on the road if needed.

thanks in advance.
Are you talking about the lock plate for the steering?

ya that sounds like what it is. Its located between the steering wheel and the turn signal. Its a '84 cj7 if that helps.


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Oh that. That's the steering wheel adapter from the Grant steering wheel not a factory part. You will need a 3 hole puller for that or remove the center nut then re-install the steering wheel and pull it off with brute force while gently wiggling it side to side. The lock plate is behind that. It is retained by a metal ring on the shaft and will need to be compressed first to release the ring from its grooved position. There is a special tool for that but i've seen people do without. I'ts somewhat a PITA.

Sweeet.. thanks for the info, i'll try it very soon. hopefully i have this brute force your talking about, as i only weight a buck thirty.