I really need HELP!!!


New member

I have a 89' Cherokee 4.0 4x4. The problem started out with a slight jump in the idle with a strain on the engine, especially when i turned left. It compleatly quit working, turning the engine over didnt start it, but with about 45 mins it started, but still witha jump in idle, as if i were turning the car off and on continually. I first replaced the inline fuel filter. It semed to help slightly. Then i replaced the fuel pump, same thing. Then the distribuatior, cap and rotor, wires, starter, and coil. What else is left, i have no clue!!!!
As of now it will not start, turns over real nice with the new starter tho.[addsig]


it sounds like it could be your TPS (throttle posistioning sensor) or your MAP (manifold air pressure sensor) Is it carbuerated or fuel injected ? [addsig]

Have you checked to make sure you are getting good spark, and that the plug wires are set to the right firing order[addsig]


yes checked and rechecked, New Bosch wires +4 plugs
Just put a new coil on too
Could the fuel pump relay have something to do with it?
All the parts i have used have been from AutoZone bytheway.

well you could pull the main fuel line from the rail and turn the igniton to the on posistion (NOT START) if fuel sprays all over then you know it's not a fuel problem[addsig]