I'm done with the jeep


New member
Well I give up. I can not figure out why this thing idles fast when warming up.(now between 1500 and 1900) I have check all the sensors replaced the o2 with a new one, checked for bad wires and nothing. Nobody around this town knows anything about jeeps and it's renix French shit. I think i have some sereous wireing problems that I dont want to deal with so away it goes. Later

What do you drive? If it is TBI or Fule injected change out your TPS Throttle Position Sensor. EZ and Cheap. Sorry to hear you are sadded by the problem but al have em and not just jeeps. Later on dude tug
it's an 89 xj 4.0l, I would change the TPS, but the auto parts stores want $99 for it, being unemployed for the moment cant afford to do anything :( oh well
Go to the local pull and pay! Take one off a wreck and wa la! Look at yours and then take the tools you would need to remove yours and go hunting. It is a great way to spend the day and you will get all sorts of ideas out there. plus the part is the size of a bic lighter at least it was on the YJ I had to replace it on. Give it a try and yo may get lucky! Or here is one for 38 bucks look tughttp://www.partsamerica.com/PartDet...nie&MfrPartNumber=FE1068&PartType=280&PTSet=A

There is an idle step motor in the throttle body next to the throttle position sensor(It the one on the left closest to the head) This is what the comuter uses to adjust idle sometimes these get stuck it only held on by @ screws
You never mentioned anything about cleaning the Throttle Body or IAC motor passageways, which is the absolute FIRST thing that should be done when attempting to solve a high idle problem.

Next I would check the Idle Air Control (IAC) Motor itself and or the Throttle Position Sensor (TPS). You said you don't want to replace the TPS, but do you know if it's even bad or not. A proper simple test of that sensor will either tell you "it's broken" or "its working fine", there should be no guess work involved, and you shouldn't have to worry about replaceing it blindly. :wink:

Furthermore, I highly doubt the 02 sensor has anything to do with initial idle speed since the Jeep runs in a mode that ignores the 02 sensor until the engine is at operating temperature. :roll:

Just be sure you've checked or done all the basics before cursing the Bendix/Renix system or the Jeep. :mrgreen:

BTW, be careful when cleaning or handling the IAC motor, as it can be damaged if the pintle is pulled out or pushed in by hand.

-Nick :!:
I have tested all that i can acording to this manual http://www.genxj.com/89JeepFI.pdf
The only thing I cant check is the IAC you need some kind of tester. I have the TPS adjusted to the Chiltons manuals specifications, butt my TPS has two plugs coming out of it A tree prong and a four prong square plug.
Three prong has 5 volt on onr wire And .8 at idle, 4.88 volts at full throttle. The other plug I cant get anything out of.

I have unplugg the IAC and the started it and it will run at 900 for about 1 to 2 minutes then gradually run up to 1800 during warmup for 20 min. with 180 degree water temp. I shut it of and check the coolant temp sensor and it reads under 1000 ohms and so does the air temp sensor. so I dont know. and I have cleaned the throttle body.