indicator panel


New member
my indicator panel is not workin only the right turn indicator light is working just wondering if anybody has every had this problem on a 89 wrangler

I would remove the instrument cluster circuit board and inspect it for corrosion and or breaks in the circuit.
i removed it and it was just dusty so i cleaned it and nothing would the nutter bypass have anything to do with it
It's possible that you disturbed the wiring during the nutter bypass but i wouldn't think it would knock out the cluster functions from that procedure. Check the power and grounds.

thanks for the help its workin now i didnt have it plugged in it was just slide in under the plugs so it felt like it was and i didnt have enough wire to pull it out and check thanks again
I have same problem. How did you solve this problem? How did you get the indicator panel loose from the connectors on each end? You indicate that you "didn't have it plugged in it just slide in under the plugs". Can you further explain? What slid in under the plugs?