It just????disappeares????


New member

I put almost a gallon of coolant in my rad( noticed it was low and topped it off) but just 2 days later it was low again and took another 1/2 gaLLon.....there are no visable signs of coolant leakages from any hoses and the oil is still black ( thank god) so where could it be goin??? my best guess is a leaky head,, but there is no coolant in the oil, so i am not postive that is the problem. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. west747 :-) :-( [addsig]


chris, i had a similar problem. Turns out that the radiator was so corroded and clogged that it drank so slowly, it took a day to get all the way down and then I had to add more. Jeep was running hot, so I had the problem of not getting the coolant to the engine fast enough and ended up replacing the radiator. If you go this route, swap out all the hoses while you're at it and install a new t-stat.

Good luck.


yeah, you've either got a "pressure-activated leak", like it only leaks out when you're on the throttle, or its running hot and boiling out... look for visible leaks, then take out the radiator and flush it out... see what happens...[addsig]

if you end up having to replace the radiator, go to They have good service and next day
shipping. My TJ hasn't spit radiator fluid on my windshield since. Definitely replace hoses, thermostat, and
clamps (if their the cheap ones) if you have to drop in a new radiator.

Some folks I have talked to swapped just the radiator and regretted it later because w/o the leaks, the
pressure was higher and new leaks formed in the old hoses, etc.

Cooper. [addsig]


Worst case and I even hate to bring it up but check inside you oil fill cap. If there is a white yellowish gue you may have water going into your block! Heaven forbide that is it but check. Tug[addsig]

I´ve seen cooling systems seep a little, usually when hot (under pressure) and evaporate almost instantaniously as it drips or flows onto a hot block. Usually leaves a stain often white in color or the color of the coolant (green, red, yellow) tint. Always run your finger under the case snout by the output shaft on the water pump, there is a hole down there, that often drips, a sign the seals are going.
Have also seen them leak into a cylinder without getting into the oil much. After first starting your vehicle, walk around back and collect a few drops of the condensation thats coming out, should be colorless (maybe a little soot) fairly odorless, see if it feels greasy between yout fingers and if it has a tint the same color as your coolant.
If it´s leaking into a cylinder much, it often turns the electrode on the plug rust color. And can cause real damage if enough collects in the cylinder (if it gets worse). Alot of foam or bubbles in the coolant system is an indication of coolant getting into the cylinders, but low coolant (or air blocks)can also foam things up a bit.

edited by: MudderChuck, Jan 31, 2003 - 04:11 PM[addsig]

After a pleasant afternoon of tinkering on the jeep i discovered quite quickly that my water pump is dead..( no pressure surge in top rad hose)...replace one leaky hose( the lower one to the block. Havent taken the vavle cover off yet...too scared of what i will for all your advance...west747[addsig]


Something to keep in mind, a water pump rarley messes up, unless the seals or bearings fail. The impeller falls apart or they become plugged for one reason or another. Mostly they work or they don´t, there is very little in between.
They also don´t move air (or exhaust gases) very well, if a little coolant is coming out, chances are some air is going in (messes up the flow).
The system is only going to push as much coolant (or air somewhat) as the thermostat, radiator and coolant passages allow.
The bottom hose usually has a spring in it, to keep the pump from sucking it closed.

edited by: MudderChuck, Feb 01, 2003 - 08:12 AM[addsig]