Jeep Icon


nice lookin jeep!! too many pop up windows[addsig]

Ahhh, the joys of Mozilla. Pop-ups are turned off. And tabbed browsing... you didn't know you were

missing it till you tried it.

For the curious, it's a free, open-source web browser that will run in windows. If you have any questions

(since this is way off topic), e-mail me at jcooper-at-nevernight>dot<net.

Nice photos, it looks like it was an evolutionary step towards the liberty...


I remember that... The Icon is the only concept that has an acceptable body design... the front wheel drive is nothing to brag about... but the body design and the wider base is something nice...[addsig]

Hey I used to use mozilla when I ran linux...I liked it but IE just has a better feel to it...mozilla just seemed too "netscape" haha if that makes any sense. BTW that jeep looks like a TJ and liberty lovechild hahaha.[addsig]

get this that jeep they showed is exactly like the rc one i bought from radio shack for 49.99 last spring same seats and everything, even the ugly purple and it a 4x4 kinda fun to climb curbs with but like all stock jeeps open diff. Yall should check them out it runs off a 7.2v battery pack and it a good way to waiste 50 bucks plus i can even get my wife to wheel it.



" that jeep looks like a TJ and liberty lovechild hahaha."

Is it a Love Child or Misfortunes Careless Aim? hehehehehe Tug

roger on the icon concept. reason i asked ,was just bought a new sorrento. looked at the libertys , and did not like the looks of them , the salesman said the libertys market was in people looking for that old jeep look. i didnt see the old jeep look , just didnt think i would be happy with it. anyway, when we looked at the liberty it reminded me of something i had seen in pictures at our local library in jeep books . wonderd if anyone else saw the resemblence. did anyone regognize the tread on the icon?what brand , if they are on the market . looks to be more of a rain tread on a offroad tire . just a observation.
thanks for the reply.......odax 8-) 8-) [addsig]


I kinda like the body design... but it looks like a hunk of plastic..... and why is there purple accents on a jeep? Jeep needs to try again.[addsig]

Looks like a TJ ran head on into a Liberty. :lol: Also when they wreck those plastic lookin roll bars aint saving no one. :-) Final Verdict: DCX designers are on crack.[addsig]