Jeep Junkie From Michigan

Jeep Junkie

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Welcome! I think we have a few other people on the board that can be called "Jeep Junkies" too! :purple:
Hay have you ever been to wolf lodge in Baldwin?I hear thay have some trails there.The only place to go around here is the Mounds in Genesse.

Yeah.. there a lot of trails up there I was big in to the Dirt bikes for years so we road a lot of the single tracks around that aria
I no the DNR as trial maps that you can down loud off there website..Camp Grounds ext... It's a beautiful aria up there I'm sure you would
enjoy it this time of year wish I could help you out more on what trails to to ride But if you dig around you will find a lot of them

Up by Gaylord to there a tone of trails..Hope this help's you out...Good Jeep'en to ya !!!
Looks like your close to the mounds. Ever been? The only other ORV parks in our area are Turtle Creek, on Drumund Island and Rocks and Valleys in Harrison. Well, also The Badlands in Indiana. I live down the highway from you in Perry. I have a 95 YJ .
Been a cupple times this year. Lot of mud and sand, I dont do alot out there, Im in a stock 97 wrangler and its my daily driver. Still fun out there. The first pic is at the mounds and the other is in Glennie. Ya im stuck in two feet of snow.


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Don't feel bad, I was buried to the top of the front fenders in our backyard two weeks after buying my stock '98 TJ. They sent a semi hauler out to winch me out and he wouldn't get his wrecker anywhere near the yard. Our yard is like a dry bog that soaks up all the water in the spring thaw.