Jeepz Glossary


Staff member
I've added a new feature to - the Jeepz Glossary

Once a term is added to the glossary, I can enable an "auto link". This means that whenever that term is used in a post, you'll be able to mouse over it and get a definition.

If you feel that you know everything, and don't like this feature, you can turn it off by going to your control panel - click on "edit options" on the left, then go down to "Glossary Linking" around the bottom of the page.
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I've added the ability to turn this off - just check my first post in this thread

Also, you must see my cardan driveshaft

I think that will help a lot of people out. Good job, Terry!
The cardan shaft is very cool. 8)

And thanks for adding the "turn it off feature". I can see that it might get annoying for a frequent reader such as myself to have a bunch of those show up in the posts. But, that's just me. :shades:

Keep up the good work.