Just got her and new in AZ


New member
Just got my new Rio Grande Wrangler, yesterday. I traded for a V8 Ford Crown Victoria and I'm missing the power, etc but LOVE the new jeep!

I'm Traci and just wanted to intro myself, here.


Either way a jeep is always a wise choice for car no matter where you live, welcome to the forum.

Welcome aboard Greenfire, nice to see a fellow Zoner on the board.
Welcome aboard glad to have ya....any pics of the new jeep?

Well, here are 2 if they load correctly...

And thx for the welcome!


  • jeep1.jpg
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  • jeep2.jpg
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Your welcome! And the pics look good!

Thanks, Brad. This is my very 1st Jeep and it's a little silly but I've never felt attached to a vehicle before...Much less taken a pic and put it on a forum!

I'd like to do a lot of work on it, but I'm clueless as to how/what, etc....Any suggestions on a good tutorial for numerous fixes and fun stuff to do to a Jeep you could suggest??

The last time I've ever done anything on a vehicle was when I was a young kid and worked on a boyfriend's 56 Bel Aire and he traded that for a Kawasaki motorcycle! :shock:
That was back in 87 or 88, though....Dating myself, I know....
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Thanks, Brad. This is my very 1st Jeep and it's a little silly but I've never felt attached to a vehicle before...Much less taken a pic and put it on a forum!

I'd like to do a lot of work on it, but I'm clueless as to how/what, etc....Any suggestions on a good tutorial for numerous fixes and fun stuff to do to a Jeep you could suggest??

The last time I've ever done anything on a vehicle was when I was a young kid and worked on a boyfriend's 56 Bel Aire and he traded that for a Kawasaki motorcycle! :shock:
That was back in 87 or 88, though....Dating myself, I know....

Welcome here and have fun--a great place. As far as getting used to what you need to do and modifications and so on, its a fast/slow process, depending how hooked we all get-- and we all get hooked. Photos of our rigs are as standard as driving them. And we here hunger for the more photos the better. Can't get enough and its a blast to see, from remote here, what others have done.

Too, the best way is to pick something baffling you don't understand and then post away that question. For instance: "hey guys, which free wheeling hubs are best?" Then, watch the replies, links, opinions and comments. From that you gain a wealth of information to make your own choices, and its right here for free.

This forum is one of the best out there. These are all very devoted, knowledgeable, and experienced Jeep people and love to help as well.

Welcome then to the incredible world of Jeeps, and have fun with your new pride and joy. Ask away.

46 years and counting....... (talk about dating oneself-YIKES--how did I get here....?

Hey... pics look good! You've got a great canvas there. I like the colors. The real question that you've gotta ask here is, what do you want to DO with it? Im guess inf that its most likely your DD, but what else? Trails? Rocks? Etc....

Welcome here Thanks for the wc!

and have fun--a great place. As far as getting used to what you need to do and modifications and so on, its a fast/slow process, depending how hooked we all get-- and we all get hooked. Photos of our rigs are as standard as driving them. And we here hunger for the more photos the better. Can't get enough and its a blast to see, from remote here, what others have done. I promise to send in as many pics as I can!

Too, the best way is to pick something baffling you don't understand and then post away that question. For instance: "hey guys, which free wheeling hubs are best?"
My main problem w/this, is that I have no idea what free wheeling hub is! Sounds like a really open minded place for people to gather! :lol: I need some VERY basic information/guide/tutorial, or something to get me started!

Then, watch the replies, links, opinions and comments. From that you gain a wealth of information to make your own choices, and its right here for free.

This forum is one of the best out there. These are all very devoted, knowledgeable, and experienced Jeep people and love to help as well. It seems to be true, from what I've read, so far....

Welcome then to the incredible world of Jeeps, and have fun with your new pride and joy. Ask away. Thanks and believe me, I will!

46 years and counting....... (talk about dating oneself-YIKES--how did I get here....? I know, right? We are waaay too young to be this damn old....


Thanks much. So do you have any suggestions for getting started that I can read, or follow along with, that is very newbie/basic??
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Hey... pics look good! You've got a great canvas there. I like the colors. The real question that you've gotta ask here is, what do you want to DO with it? Im guess inf that its most likely your DD, but what else? Trails? Rocks? Etc....

The very first thing, is I want to be able to check out how sound the body is. I also want to learn about the motor, transmission, etc (it has never been messed with so I assume it has the "weaker" version of a transmission--something like an AX-5 I think??)and how it works and how to fix it when it doesn't work. It was apparently rebuilt (the motor) and has 34K miles on it, while the body has 200K.

So I'd like to start with that.

Also, there are quite a few bruises, dings, scrapes, etc on the body and I want to see about getting those fixed, as well.

THEN, I'd like to restore the inside...floor/dash/seats, etc...Oh and the latches on the underside of the backseat are bent, so I need to figure out how to get those straight!

I'm not sure what you mean by " Im guess inf that its most likely your DD,"
The very first thing, is I want to be able to check out how sound the body is. I also want to learn about the motor, transmission, etc (it has never been messed with so I assume it has the "weaker" version of a transmission--something like an AX-5 I think??)and how it works and how to fix it when it doesn't work. It was apparently rebuilt (the motor) and has 34K miles on it, while the body has 200K.

So I'd like to start with that.

Also, there are quite a few bruises, dings, scrapes, etc on the body and I want to see about getting those fixed, as well.

THEN, I'd like to restore the inside...floor/dash/seats, etc...Oh and the latches on the underside of the backseat are bent, so I need to figure out how to get those straight!

I'm not sure what you mean by " Im guess inf that its most likely your DD,"

Traci maiden,

DD="Daily Driver."

Ok, your Jeep in lineage 64 years ago and 6 models back, was doing this sort of thing:


Today, the Jeep has evolved a long way. For the Jeep YJ (indicated by the square headlights for starts on yours), is the next Jeep after the CJ7, from 1976 to 1986. Mine is a 1983 CJ7. Yours were built from (1987–1995--what year is yours?).

You've stated you wish to do some cosmetics first, so yes, the things you have outlined are fine and all can be replaced-fixed, fairly cheaply. The frist thing is get the fluids in the engine, transmission, transfercase and differentials changed. Then, take it to a good but fair priced shop to have the engine tested for compression or if it needs a tuneup.

Those models have a lot of vacuum hoses and tubes so those should be checked.

Once you know those things checkout ok, its best to then make sure the 4WD works okay by shifting the 4WD lever, off road, into 4 wheel drive. If you have the manual, good. If not, pull a CJ or YJ guy over or flag him down and tell him your deal and ask about basic things that are listed above.

Next, if all is ok, then yes, begin to look around for the interior things you will need/want. Too, as you go along, see if there is a Jeep club in your area and if they go out on trail runs. That is the first and best place to begin to meet Jeep people, couples, and groups, that can involve you and assist you in your build up and learning curve. This is good too since nearly all will, especially a new person into the world of Jeeps, help them and assist. Plus, they have the spare parts you need as all we Jeep folks end up with tons of stuff we somehow justify we will need at some point.

Hope that is helpful.

Here is me in my Jeep, VEX.



I've got a 4 banger, I'm up in North Texas. Generally don't have any problems with hills, unless I have a pretty strong headwind. And I'm still able to use 5th gear with my 31's no problem. Good luck, I'd say go for it.

Also, there are quite a few bruises, dings, scrapes, etc on the body and I want to see about getting those fixed, as well.

THEN, I'd like to restore the inside...floor/dash/seats, etc...Oh and the latches on the underside of the backseat are bent, so I need to figure out how to get those straight!

I'm not sure what you mean by " Im guess inf that its most likely your DD,"[/QUOTE]
The great thing about metal, is that you can usually get it back to its original shape with a big hammer :)
As far as the dents and dings in the body go, its really up to you. If you have an area aka garage to do it, it'll be a good learning experience for you. Its not really as hard to do as most people think. A dent puller, and some sand paper can go a long way....of course usually then, you have to get it painted. Which can get pretty expensive if you're picky about it.
Also, sorry, yeah...DD= daily driver