lift question


New member
I wana buy a pro comp 2in suspension lift. Will I need to drop the transfercase to does lift or I can I just change the springs and shock absorbs?

some people have to do trans case shimming and some don't. just have to do the lift and see how it works out
you will have some vibrations if it turns out you do need to shim. if you lift it and have no vibes, then no trans case shims needed

That's a good thing to know thanks for ur input I appreciate it
That's y I think this is the best forum. There's a ton of help full people. Even when the problem is unsure there is always someone to help

i like this one too. sometimes people can be jerks on the bigger forums
superj said:
i like this one too. sometimes people can be jerks on the bigger forums

Ya I know. It's almost like that small town feeling where u know everybody and they r all willing to help out