what size tires are you going to run? A small body lift will raise it some but not enough if you are running large tires. You can buy poly or rubber body mounts, I have used poly mounts and had no complaints with them. If you are wanting cheap and a slight lift, I would get an inch or so body lift and and inch or so shackle lift. putting on a body lift like a 3" will probably require extended lines and may interfer with shifter towers or anything attached to the frame and body because you are seperating the two a good distance, staying around a inch will elliminate that issue, and staying around an inch or so with the shackle lift should elliminate any steering geometry issues you can run into with larger shackle lifts. Going this route should cost you a couple hundred bucks and give you a couple inch lift and avoid other mods that may be required when lifting all in one area. (3-4" suspension lift, 3"body lift)