Lock Completely stuck


New member
The drivers side lock has been broken for some time, but i could still lock it from the inside. Well this morning i went out and tried to unlock it from the inside and that would not work either.

Does anybody have any ideas what might be causing this? Is it the bad lock cylinder sticking up the whole system?

I have a new lock cylinder in hand but i just need to get it keyed and installed.

Anyone have any insight?

Do you have power locks?
or are the manual?

I've heard of lock cylinders rusting up and not being able to move. If that's the case I think you have to drill it out, or something along those lines.

thats just my two cents.
Cleaning Soft Top

It is manual locks.

And I can take the outside lock cylnder out from the inside. But i can't get the door open now so it is going to be a pain to take the door apart.
I've drilled out a lock cylinder on a 92 honda accord before and it's not fun at all. I Would get a can of like wd 40 or pbBlaster and soak it down, to see if maybe you can get it to unstick before you take drastic measures. Just use the straw and get as close to the lock as you can. Hopefully it will has some effect.