Looking For: 241OR (rubicon TC)


New member
Hey all,

I am looking for a 241OR TC (rubicon 4:1 TC). I blew up the 231 in Oct of 06 up in Carnage just west of Boulder, Co. The jeep is a 89YJ with the mighty 2.5L. I am almost done with putting in a SM465 transmission with varrious Novak adapters. The preferred TC would be the STAK Monster Box but I cant drop the 3k+ the want for it atm so, figured the Rubicon TC would be a good alternate till such funds are possible. Would preferr not to drop a massive amount of cash on something i would end up replacing in a year or two.

Anyone that has one or knows of where to get a 241OR TC for a reasonable price please let me know. Either post or Email me please.

Thank you much,
