McCain Has 13 Cars; Obama Has 1


New member
The best part is John McCain's '60 Willys and his '08 Wrangler...

Does anyone else hear the biased tone of this report? What do you think?

Report: McCain Has 13 Cars, Obama 1

September 21, 2008 9:57 AM

ABC News' Tahman Bradley Reports: After the brouhaha over Sen. John McCain's struggle to recall how many houses he owns, Newsweek wondered how many cars might be parked at the presidential candidate's multiple homes.

The weekly newsmagazine checked vehicle registration records for both McCain and Sen. Barack Obama and found that when you include the candidates' spouses, McCain owns 13 cars, Obama 1.

McCain has a 2004 Cadillac CTS, a 2007 half-ton Ford pickup truck, a 1960 Willys Jeep, a 2008 Jeep Wrangler among other American cars. He's got a few foreign vehicles in his fleet as well, owning a 2005 Volkswagen convertible and a 2001 Honda sedan.

The only vehicle registered in Obama's name is a 2008 Ford Escape hybrid.

McCain's wife, Cindy, an heiress to a beer distribution company, has her name on 11 vehicles but actually only drives one car - a Lexus with the personal plates MS BUD.

I'm sure Michelle Obama takes the bus wherever she needs to go! :?|


I love how people think this crap will have a influence on how someone can run a country and fix it's issues.
Barry Husein has 1 car that's "officially" registered to him.....? Im sure the other dozen or so are registered to other alias names so as to not attract attention when making his rounds to the various ACORN meetings... You know he's a busy guuuuh...uh...huhh...hmmm.... 'body I mean.

And how about Barry`s plane does that count, the other cars and limos are paid for and in the name of his handlers..... nobama for nooffice...........