my drunken roomate and his lazer


New member
ok, a few months ago my roomate was a little slow on regestering his car and he got pulled over for an expiried tag. Unfortunatly he also had forgotten his license, and as a result had his car towed and a ticket issued. a few nights ago after a slightly rowdy night out w/ the boys, he was driving them home and got tagged (ironicly by the same statey as the last time) for having a light out or something. turns out that the regestry never recieved his payment for the other ticket, and result had suspended his license, which he never knew about. the trooper told him that if someone else was sober enough to drive, they could all go. It turns out that under pressure, my buddy doesnt infact know his ABCs, so mr statey towed his car. For some reason, he also conficated his plates and his licence, so we had to spend the entire day getting his car re-regestered, and getting him a new licence. long story short, u can fit 6 drunken guys in the back of a tj at 3 in the morning if u try hard enough.

Greencuke said:
................the trooper told him that if someone else was sober enough to drive, they could all go. It turns out that under pressure, my buddy doesnt infact know his ABCs, so mr statey towed his car.................

OK, I'm not one to judge....and I've been know to drink a beer or two while driving FOREVER on the stinkin' interstate................but driving drunk is, to say the least, NOT cool.
Sounds to me like your buddy was quite fortunate. He could have lost his license for a good while and had some very costly legal trouble. Hopefully he'll see this as a sign to get his act together.
You're lucky you're not in Michigan when stuff like that happens... Here, you'd be thrown in jail instantly, car impounded, license suspended, fees and fines out the ying yang, and yes, even for the first time... They went hardcore zero tolerance around here when they lowered the legal limit...

Makes for safer roads, I guess, but when I got pulled over for suspected DUI, which was actually a combination of bad tie rod ends, and the fact that part of my second jack and coke before leaving had been spilled on my shirt, leaving me reeking, they, of course, let me go, as I was well under the limit when they breath tested me, and I explained the Jeep, but every time I see a Crown Vic, I freak... First time being pulled over, by the State Troopers no less... They're not at all pleasant about that sort of thing, but it is their job after all...

So I'm confused, where's the lazer?
are we talking about a plymouth lazer?
mud4feet said:
...............but driving drunk is, to say the least, NOT cool.

Amen, Brother Mud. 10 years as a paramedic left me with enough nightmares to last a lifetime, and most of those stemmed from drunks slamming into other cars at high speeds.

We had a saying in EMS: "If you respond to a car accident after midnight and no one is drunk, keep looking because someone is missing." Sadly, that was true.
Don't some states, like NY confiscate your car, since it was used in a crime? I heard that was the way alot of states were going.

Never heard of them confiscating a car for DUI, only for drug dealing.
Sparky-Watts said:
Never heard of them confiscating a car for DUI, only for drug dealing.
my roomate wasnt drunk. his car was towed because he didnt have a license, and everyone else in the car was drunk, so no one was able to drive it back

TerryMason said:
Looks like some states started seizing and selling DUI cars back in 99

Glad to hear that everything was good Reggie, It sure sounded like a carload of drunks (including driver) from your original post.

Interesting! I had never heard of that. I think it's a good idea in a way, but I can see potential for abuse, also, by crooked cops.
ok, a few months ago my roomate was a little slow on regestering his car and he got pulled over for an expiried tag. Unfortunatly he also had forgotten his license, and as a result had his car towed and a ticket issued. a few nights ago after a slightly rowdy night out w/ the boys, he was driving them home and got tagged (ironicly by the same statey as the last time) for having a light out or something. turns out that the regestry never recieved his payment for the other ticket, and result had suspended his Dui class license, which he never knew about. the trooper told him that if someone else was sober enough to drive, they could all go. It turns out that under pressure, my buddy doesnt infact know his ABCs, so mr statey towed his car. For some reason, he also conficated his plates and his licence, so we had to spend the entire day getting his car re-regestered, and getting him a new licence. long story short, u can fit 6 drunken guys in the back of a tj at 3 in the morning if u try hard enough.

You can reinstate your licence by following this guideline.
Complete the full period of your license suspension.
Serve your full jail or prison sentence.
Complete DUI school.
Complete any other sentencing conditions.
You do realize this is a 10 yr old post. And, the driver wasn't drunk, all of the other passengers were.


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In wisconsin it isnt a crime until the 4th ot 5th dui offense. andas it is a registered piece of private property, the Judge is the one who confiscates, not the cop