My pic in my sig is messed


New member
Hey,can someone tell me why my new pic in my sig doesnt show up all the way???

Hi Sully, is showing all of the pic that there is to show. When I look at the pic directly on AOL using a separate browser window, the bottom of the pic is still missing.

I don't know why that is happening, but I would suggest uploading that picture to AOL again. Either overwrite the original or give the pic a new name and upload again, then change the reference URL in your sig to that of the new picture.



upload the file again... it seems as though the file was never uploaded completely

Can you guys make your sig pics reasonable in size, something like Snitty's or smaller? I like to see the Jeeps, especially with all the different scenery that shows this forum's diversity, but the large pics really detract from reading through a thread. Thanks.
Keeping the pics small also insures our dial-up users enjoy the site without waiting ages for the pages to load :P

-Nick :!:
large pics also hurt the bandwidth of your server... many servers often delete accounts due to such use