My TJ Steering


New member

After I installed my lift kit and steering stabilizer on my 99 TJ it did something to my steering. I can now turn my wheel about 1/4 turn both ways before the wheels turn. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? Please send me a message[addsig]


Yes. Its a common thing people see when lifting! Or lowering :lol: Im sure you put a drop pitman arm on... Anyways, now your draglink is at an angle. This means everything works a little different. I have about a 1/4 turn before anything starts working on mine also... Its something you have to deal with when lifting...
Some solutions are a High Steer Kit. There is a great one out there called the K-Link System. Check it out on the net...[addsig]

Try putting your stock pitman arm back on. From what I hear, a dropped arm really isn't needed. It's worth a try anyway.[addsig]


a four inch lift. I know i sound really stupid or could my slip yoke have anything to do with it. I dont know that much about cars and just starting out in Jeeps and stuff. Thanks[addsig]

Slip yoke eliminator has nothing to do with it.

Your steering linkage is now at a very steep angle, thus it takes more steering wheel input to get the front wheels to turn.

Best thing for TJ's and XJ's is to convert from the inverted Y steering to the YJ's L steering setup, and toe will then not change as the axle compresses.[addsig]


My 97 had the same problem when I had a new stearing box installed Hit something hard with the old one, After Sears tried to aline it they said to have the box replaced its bad Well the garage replaced it told me I hit something again I said bull I drove it staight to sears like you told me to,then they replaced it same thing. I went back to Sears wanting my money back but the mechanic adjusted a set screw on the steering box and realined it now it works great even after hitting things.[addsig]

There is a set screw on the steering box that will tighten up steering, IF, the steering box is the problem. I've heard you have to be careful with this adjustment, very easy to overdo it.[addsig]