The springs are actually tight. Sooooo...... Can I wack them off? (the little steel brackets around the springs). There are 2 or 3 around the springs on each side of the rear axle. With the 'little brackets' or retainers being loose I wouldn't think they are very functional at holding the springs together, if that is what they are suppose to do. It just sounds like a dump truck whenever I hit a bump. I could use a torch and avoid heating the springs? Thanking you in advance, Mike[addsig]
The springs are actually tight. Sooooo...... Can I wack them off? (the little steel brackets around the springs). There are 2 or 3 around the springs on each side of the rear axle. With the 'little brackets' or retainers being loose I wouldn't think they are very functional at holding the springs together, if that is what they are suppose to do. It just sounds like a dump truck whenever I hit a bump. I could use a torch and avoid heating the springs? Thanking you in advance, Mike[addsig]