national go topless day!


New member
Happy national go topless day everyone! It was a little cold and windy this mornin because of a storm headdin this way, but nothin a jacket and some jeans couldn't handle!


Indeed! 80 and Sunny in SE Michigan. Too bad I'm at work inside studying today.

Still topless though. With a little urban flex.


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Topless for 10.5 years... All doors and top are store away, never to go back again.


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I went topless. I took my wife and 2 of my boys out for a topless doorless drive. It was about 80 here in Delaware
Left the top down yesterday while I went to a place on Rhode Island ave to hang with new acquaintances. Jeep was ransacked. :( Am I officially initiated into the city now? Guess I'll start a tally. Once in Dayton, once in Yuma, and once in DC. 3 since 2006; off to a good start.

Here's an interesting thing- it's an auto, so no need to use parking brake, but they had pulled the e-brake...