need a amc 304 or amc 360

Man, I know where ther is an AMC 360 w/ a fresh rebuild. It's here in NM though, quite a bit away from you. A guy built it and then PCS'd to a different base and owed the Auto Hobby Shop $. He left the motor there.
Man, I know where ther is an AMC 360 w/ a fresh rebuild. It's here in NM though, quite a bit away from you. A guy built it and then PCS'd to a different base and owed the Auto Hobby Shop $. He left the motor there.

Ok, that's kind of great news. Do you have the engine and how much is it? Also, can you send me some pics ( including some proof that it truly has been rebuilt, such as a pic of the bearings and cam).
I do not have the engine. It is located on Holloman AFB @ the Auto Hobby Shop. Here is the # 575-572-7438 and you should talk to Buddy. Good luck!

Did you get an engine from Santa? If not, I have a 304 just South of Chicago. Merry X-mas to all.